Business Tax Preparation & Filing

We Specialize in Business Taxes!

Every business must file an income tax return once a year with the tax authorities by the due date of the tax return to stay compliant and avoid the late filing of tax penalties.  Even more important is that every tax break is claimed, and additional information returns (related to foreign assets or presence) are filed while preparing and filing the returns while the business owner is busy accomplishing their vision and mission, so we don’t leave dollars on the table. Our firm brings all its years of experience into action while working on the tax returns for the client.

We offer business tax preparation and filing services for the following type of businesses:

  • Sole Proprietors
  • C-Corporations
  • S-Corporations
  • Partnerships

The benefits of our business tax filing with us include the following:

  • Ensuring that s that every possible tax deduction is claimed when taxes are prepared and minimizing the tax liabilities.
  • Clients are notified of any estimated business taxes based on income for the current year, so you do not incur interest and penalties.
  • Make sure that the entity election form is filed, e.g., the business must file an entity election form, “Form 2553,” with the IRS and the state if the state requires it to avail of the status as an S-corporation. Similarly, filing entity election form 8832 if a business elects to be taxed as C-Corporation. These forms apply when it is the first year of the business.
  • Making sure that the strict deadlines are met, saving in potential late filing interest and penalties.
  • If the business chooses to file an extension, make sure the taxes are paid in time based on estimated income to avoid late payment interest and penalties.
  • Form 5471 is filed along with the tax returns and income tax returns whenever a U.S. person owns or controls a foreign corporation to avoid thousands in penalties.
  • IRS Form 5472 is filed with a return when the US corporation or partnership has a foreign stockholder owning 25% or more of the ownership to avoid thousands in penalties.
  • FBAR is filed, required if the US business has a financial interest in or signature authority over one or more foreign financial accounts and the aggregate value of all foreign financial accounts exceeds $10,000 at any time during the calendar year to avoid up to hundreds of thousands in penalties

Schedule an appointment with us using the contact form to find out how our team of experienced professionals can help you do tax compliance correctly.

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